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What Does CQ+ Mean for Current Clients?

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What is CQ+?

CQ+ is a new workflow and reporting tool specifically designed for policy and legislative trackers to make their jobs easier. We know that our clients spend hours:

  • Gathering news
  • Updating bill reports
  • Creating member fact sheets
  • Building stakeholder reports
  • Adding the data they collect to the data from

CQ+ removes those silos and gives you back those hours you spend cobbling all of that information together.

Features OverviewClients FAQSchedule a Demo

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I want to learn more about CQ+.

I’d like a guided tour

Sign up for an upcoming webinar on CQ+ led by an Account Manager, or watch previously recorded webinars.


Want a one-on-one Personal Demo? Email your account executive, or click below and fill out the form.

I’d Like a Personal Demo

I’d like to explore on my own

We have a pretty nifty slideshow that walks you through what you can expect. You’ll get a real feel for how CQ+ can have an immediate positive impact on the stuff you do every day.

Features Overview

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Got an FAQ? I have more questions.

Sure do. We’ve anticipated as many questions as we could, and we are adding new questions as we receive them.

  • Do I need to have a subscription to use CQ+?
  • How much does CQ+ cost?
  • How does CQ+ work with the alerts I have set up?

Go to full FAQ

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I have CQ+. Help me get started.

We have a nice collection of helpful training videos and tips to get you started using CQ+. Learn about the “Following” feed, Projects, Custom Fields, Reports, Notes, Searching and Notifications.

Videos: Getting Started, Training, Help

Helpful CQ+ videos and tips to get you started

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Dear “Get Things Done” Colleague,

Your job is like no other, and not many others do what you do.

You can’t learn how to track legislation in any college or trade school. You will be waiting a long time for a TED Talk or a MOOC explaining how to monitor all the updates to your issue. And, please, Google how to build a report out of all that material you collect and see what you come up with.

If you’re lucky, a colleague showed you the ropes when you first started … but most of you were not that lucky.

Most of you were thrown to the wolves:

  • You were given a login to a legislative tracking service with a mandate to track multiple bills and issues (and an implied mandate to figure out how to use the software).
  • Or you had no software and simply began by opening up Excel and heading to THOMAS.
  • Or your boss said to you something like, “Put together a report on the energy bill,” or “Send out a member fact sheet on Senator Smith.” (You know, figure it out.)

This letter is for you.

The pressure to NEVER miss a bill or a vital update to your issue can be enormous. Even a single oversight could have big consequences. It could mean:

  • You cost your organization money.
  • The analyst you’re gathering information for doesn’t get properly briefed.
  • Your client points out to you in an email the thing you missed that you’re supposed to be advising them on.
  • You lost a critical window of time to have a poignant conversation with a Chief of Staff.
  • You committed the Hill Staffer Cardinal Sin: “Thou shalt not embarrass thy boss.”

You are the awareness, the lighthouse keeper who monitors the tides and keeps her team illuminated on the news and updates that matter.

Roughly 14 months ago, we at CQ Roll Call began a journey to explore what you go through and how we can make a difference in your work life. And we vowed to do something about it.

“No, no. Don’t tell us about Tell us about your day, please.”

“Don’t tell us about Tell us about your day. Start when you wake up in the morning,” is how we started more than 200 personal interviews with our clients, usually at a coffee shop close to where they work.

(If you were one of those clients, thank you again for your time.)

We talked to our clients about themselves, about their roles and responsibilities and the everyday tasks they perform.

We knew that using was part of our clients’ day, but we also knew that we were one among others in an orbit.

How do you spend your time at work, we asked? What bogs you down? What information do you need to collect? Why are you collecting it? What kind of reports are you building? How long does that take you?

We asked a lot of questions and we listened to the answers. And we took lots of notes.

Soon, patterns began to emerge.

We were surprised at how much information our clients collected on their own, on top of the information they got from

We saw that clients routinely built reports, cobbling them together using MS Office mostly, combining their information with our information – and that the endeavor was not only vital to their jobs and their organization’s interests but also extremely time consuming.

We observed that our clients monitored multiple news and data sources, which meant that they were spending their time on multiple sites and in multiple systems.

We became very familiar with the roles our clients have in their organizations. Some monitor and gather information; some assemble it into custom reports. Some disseminate information to important stakeholders, while some analyze it in order to decide whether and how to act.

Some do all of the above.

Our clients stand in the middle of a very, very busy intersection.

So, we asked ourselves, what can we do about it?

“If it doesn’t save them time and make them better, we haven’t done our jobs.”

We started at the white board drawing a clock, representing time as our goal – specifically, we felt that there was an enormous opportunity to save our clients lots of time. Hours every week, even.

If our clients are collecting information from and copying and pasting it into a homegrown report in order to couple it with their own information, then what if we built a bridge?

For example, if our clients are taking’s bill information and dropping it into Excel so that they can add their organization’s position statement, that’s already a lot of copying and pasting and formatting, not to mention updating and maintaining that week after week.

So, let’s make it so they don’t have to copy and paste. Let’s give them a tool that allows them to add their information to ours, and let’s make it so that our information updates dynamically, so that they don’t have to re-report.

And let’s look at the types of reports that clients are creating most often: bill reports, vote reports, member reports and news reports. Let’s give them super snazzy templates for all of those. And let’s give them the option to auto-fill that report with custom criteria, so they don’t have to gather and update everything from scratch.

Then let’s make it easy to export any report to a PDF or to Excel. Let’s make it easy to follow any issue, bill or member. Let’s allow clients to write notes on an article right (smack-dab there) on the page, within easy view of any colleague they forward it to. Let’s make it easy to view updates from alerts in one centralized feed. Let’s make it work on any tablet or smart phone.

And let’s make it easy to use. Heck, make it delightful to use.

If it doesn’t save them time and make them better, we haven’t done our jobs.

Let’s go. Let’s build CQ+.

This we pledge.

You’re a doer. You’re a tracker. You’re an information-ist. You’re a browser tab Freakazoid. You’re a builder and an analyzer and a disseminator.

You’re the vanguard and the glue. When thrown into the maelstrom, you swim.

Our commitment to you is that we will constantly try to improve our products to make your job easier and the quality of your work life better.

In fact, don’t be surprised if you get a phone call from us asking you to grab a coffee.

We’ll want to talk about your day, starting with when you wake up.

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CQ+ Product Development Team
Amanda Grace Johnson, Michael Roberts, Hank Hoffman, Kathy Black, David Nicks, Chithra Subramanian, John Hanna, Rachel James, Evan Chapman, Justin Mathews, Brendan Walsh, Cory Deist, Carey Bwana
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CQ Roll Call Account Management Team
Meg Hargreaves, Jonathan Batzli, Scott Campbell, Mark Escario, David Garber, Brandon Hightchew, Dave Lake, Megan McCoskey, Jacob Munaker, Michelle Ofordire, Andy Popovic, Ben Porter, Kristina Salvey, Kristin Wormley
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